Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Needless to say, the trip to Cape Town did take an unexpected turn. Due to a missing pilot, our flight to Detroit was delayed long enough that we would also have missed our flight to Amsterdam and Cape Town. After 3 hours at the check in counter, a new itinerary was devised. In the evening, we would travel to New York and then catch a red-eye to Amsterdam. There, we would spend the night until our flight to Paris that next morning. In Paris, we had an 8 hour lay over and consequently, we were able to take the train into the city to see the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe. 

After our mini European vacation, we finally boarded the 12 hour flight to Cape Town. Arriving earlier this morning, I was happy to see sunshine and even happier to see the weather was 80 degrees!  Today was spent settling into the Kimberly House along with my 20 other housemates. Tomorrow we will be heading to the University of Western Cape to register for classes. Wish me luck!

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