Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Table Mountain and Robben Island

The first weekend in Cape Town was a busy one. On Saturday, we had the opportunity to venture down to the waterfront and take a ferry to Robben Island. Located here is the notorious prison in which Nelson Mandela spent 18 years of his life. Interestingly enough, the kennels for the prison's guard dogs were larger than the cells assigned to the prisoners. In addition to being denied socks, shoes, and even bread, prisoners were also denied the opportunity to see their own children.

I had expected the tour of this prison to be painfully sad. However, South Africans are firm in their belief that Robben Island is not meant to serve as a reminder of previous oppression, but rather it serves to commemorate the resistance movement as well as the strength and bravery of the human spirit with which that movement was associated. South African hope and pride is very inspiring and I am blessed to have had the chance to visit a site that is representative of such great perseverance. 

The following day, we awoke early with the goal of hiking to the top of Table Mountain. Despite the temptation of riding the cable car to the top, we began the strenuous climb a little after 6 in the morning. With the temperature already reaching the mid 80s, we were thankful to have the shade of the mountain to offer a bit of relief. We reached the top in 2 hours and were amazed by the view. To one side, you could see the ocean, all the way to Robben Island. At the base of the hill sprawled downtown Cape Town. On the opposite side lie numerous townships and suburbs. And farther in the distance, we could see the rest of the mountain range. The view was absolutely breath taking. Hopefully, the above photo will give you an idea as its beauty.

As far as the hike back down the mountain side, I only fell 3 times…not too bad if I do say so myself! Although, I think I may have slightly overexerted myself. Currently, I am so sore that going up and down stairs is nearly an impossible task. But it was worth it :)

Take care and miss you all.

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