Tuesday, January 31, 2012

University of Western Cape

Throughout my time in Cape Town, I will be enrolled in 4 classes at UWC. These classes include Gender and Development, Theories of Social Transformation, Leaders in Grassroots Organizations, and Theology of Peace and Reconciliation. UWC has a long history associated with the anti apartheid movement. Many of the most influential resistors during the apartheid era later became professors at UWC. This allowed the students the opportunity to oppose apartheid intellectually instead of violently. 

UWC is one of two major campuses in Cape Town. The other is called University of Cape Town. This university tends to cater to the majority of international students as well as wealthy white South Africans. UWC on the other hand, is predominately black. Consequently I am placed in the minority racial group. This is a new experience for me and has been quite enlightening thus far. It has pushed me outside my comfort zone and forced me to take risks both inside and outside the classroom. 

Monday was my first day of classes at UWC and it is fair to say, I feel like a freshman all over again. Not only was my backpack stuffed to complete capacity but I was also equipped with a map of the campus, which I kept handy at all times. Along with a bit of guidance from fellow students, I made it to my first lecture hall on time… Or so I thought. In the US, we are very accustom to schedules, following them religiously. This is not the case in Africa; schedules are subject to change without notification. Despite what my schedule told me to do, I ended up walking in to my first lecture over an hour late. Whoops

But as our driver, Pearnel, always says…"O well, this is Africa." Guess I better get used to it. And i couldn't be more excited to do just that.  


  1. Maybe they just had daylight savings time? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Love the attitude (both of you and the driver)! Sounds like an amazing experience- can't wait to get there :) Mom
